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Наприкінці червня третя група наших викладачів під керівництвом Річарда Бенсона, викладача Кардіффського університету, закінчила вивчення курсу «EMI for Academics».

Програма курсу відповідає потребам учасників для роботи зі здобувачами освіти й на освітніх програмах, що викладаються українською, і на тих, де мова викладання – англійська. Здобуті знання і навички є корисними як для онлайн, так і офлайн формату. Значна увага приділяється створенню сприятливого навчального середовища, спільнот для навчання, урахуванню культурних особливостей.

Одним із найважливіших досягнень є те, що викладачі аналізують свій підхід до роботи у новому ракурсі, розвивають свої навички й отримують натхнення на втілення інноваційних практик.

На осінь заплановано нові курси для здобувачів освіти та професорсько-викладацького складу. Щиро дякуємо нашим партнерам із Кардіффського університету за підтримку!


What did you like most about the course?

Nataliia Snizhko, Department of Higher Mathematics

The attitude of the teacher (Richard Benson) to his work and to us. It was a pleasure to meet and work with such an experienced, competent and friendly teacher.

Stanislav Shaptala, Department of Information Technologies of Electronic Devices

Lots of new teaching ideas.

Which topic(s) in the course did you find most useful? How will the knowledge or skills you got help you in your teaching?

Oleksandr Shram, Department of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises

The most useful topic for me is Interactive Learning Communities. It helps me establish and maintain a learning community with students and colleagues.

Zhanna Kaminska, Software Tools Department

Learner Engagement and Managing Lectures and Emotions and Learning in Higher Education. BUT the most useful topic for me was ONLINE Learner Engagement and Managing ONLINE lectures. This course made me look at teaching my courses from a different angle. I really liked the idea of competition between teams of students in the lesson. I think it will be applicable in some of my courses )))

Stanislav Shaptala, Department of Information Technologies of Electronic Devices

Thanks to the course, I learned a lot about teaching methods, and began to look at many things in a different way. At least pay attention to them.

Myroslava Shchetinina, Department of Technology of Aircraft Engines

All topics in the course were very useful but the most useful and interesting topic was "main challenges when teaching intercultural groups" as for me. More students from China is expected at our university so it is necessary to know peculiarities of teaching managing for them.

Nataliia Snizhko, Department of Higher Mathematics

Section 10 (Managing Communication) was the most useful for my work.

There are several reasons for this.

1) My language level and that of the students is not very high, we cannot speak fluently, as in our native language

2) I have a non-linguistic bridge between me and my students, this is the subject field (mathematics). And therefore there is a great temptation to use formulas only. But students need to be explained what is behind the notation, what this formula means.

3) In mathematics, as in philosophy, the text must be clearly structured: prerequisites, causes, actions, consequences, results, analysis, evaluation etc. For all these reasons, the Managing Communication section was helpful to me, especially the part where the various discourse markers were discussed. They help to structure the text of the lecture and the process of communication with students in the conditions of learning in a foreign language.

Stepan Loskutov, Department of Physics

To establish an online learning community. Reducing our talk time and using group work to make lectures more interactive and less of a learning burden. To better engage my students in my lectures. To change the way my communicate with students.

Sergiy Lushchin, Department of Physics

The topic "Emotions" was the most useful for me. Knowledge of this topic will help me in my future teaching.

What would you recommend to the following cohorts of the participants of the EMI for Academics course?

Zhanna Kaminska, Software Tools Department

Excellent course! Awesome teacher! A professional in his field!

Myroslava Shchetinina, Department of Technology of Aircraft Engines

Don't be ashamed of your bad English and take an active part in discussing the challenges of modern higher education and how to overcome them. Іt is interesting and extremely useful for your further teaching activities at the university.

Oleksandr Shram, Department of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises

I recommend to the following cohorts of the participants analyse the courses where EMI can be used and then apply the information they have learned in a specific course.